CLS Holistic Education Center, Inc. was recently granted its non-profit status and is in the process of building its website and preparing to connect you with the services that you need for a more whole, loved, and healthy life. This has been a dream and a commitment of Shanna Neal, president of CLS Holistic Education Center, supported by her fellow board members, and is the next endeavor of The Crystal Lotus Shoppe. It is with great pride and excitement that we enter this next phase of our existence and we are incredibly excited by the opportunity we have to give back to our community.
This is also a story of us, not just the members of the board, but of you. Our community has been long ravaged with from drug addiction, alcoholism, and other self-destructive and self-limiting paths. And with each new day, we look forward to writing our story with you, to helping us grow and move forward together as a healthy community!